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New Planet

New Goldilocks Planet Called Gliese 581G Found At 20 Light Years Away

This is why we love astronomy and the chase to find new planets: scientists have discovered the most Goldilocks planet ever! We’ve covered this aspect a couple of times as astronomers are looking for Earth-like planets in the Goldilocks zone. What’s that? The Goldilocks zone refers to a planet which isn’t too far or too close to a Sun, meaning that the planet is habitable for humans.

Gliese 581G Compared To Earth

Scientists have found a new planet called Gliese 581g and this made them all go crazy: why? Because it’s the first really truly Goldilocks planet. The Gliese 581g planet has an atmosphere, gravity, and the average temperature is -12 degrees Celsius. Yeah, it’s cold, but life is possible there.

Gliese 581G

The only problem for humans is that this planet is 20 light years away. For humans, but for astronomers this is not that far and they actually say that it’s very close. The Gliese 581g orbits around a red dwarf star called Gliese 581 or Gliza.

Gliese 581G

On a side note, no humans were spotted on the planet. Hehe… Anyway astronomers will study this planet in detail in order to find out whether we are alone in this vast Universe.


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