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Analisis Faktor yang Memengaruhi Tindakan Ibu dalam Pencarian Pengobatan dan Pemulihan Penyakit Pneumonia Pada Balita

Di Indonesia, penyakit pneumonia masih merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan di masyarakat. Di Kota Medan, pneumonia merupakan penyakit ketiga dari 10 pola penyakit terbanyak di puskesmas di Provinsi Sumatera Utara dengan jumlah kasus 7.885. Puskesmas Pasar Merah merupakan salah satu puskesmas di Kota Medan yang memiliki angka kasus baru tertinggi terhadap pneumonia di wilayah kerjanya yaitu 16,87%. Pada tahun 2008 penderita pneumonia di Puskesmas Pasar Merah berjumlah 377 balita (13,14%).
Jenis penelitian ini adalah explanatory research, untuk menjelaskan pengaruh faktor predisposisi (pendidikan, pekerjaan, penghasilan keluarga), faktor pendukung (ketersediaan sarana kesehatan, jarak ke sarana kesehatan) dan faktor pendorong (pernah tidaknya memperoleh penyuluhan/informasi tentang pneumonia dari petugas kesehatan) terhadap tindakan ibu dalam pencarian pengobatan dan pemulihan penyakit pneumonia pada balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pasar Merah. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh ibu yang mempunyai balita dengan pneumonia di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pasar Merah selama tahun 2008 yang berjumlah 377 orang, dan sampel penelitian berjumlah 79 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel secara acak. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji regresi linear berganda.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor pendidikan berpengaruh terhadap tindakan ibu dalam pencarian pengobatan dan pemulihan penyakit pneumonia pada balita, sedangkan faktor pekerjaan, penghasilan keluarga, ketersediaan sarana kesehatan, jarak ke sarana kesehatan dan pernah tidaknya memperoleh penyuluhan/informasi tentang pneumonia dari petugas kesehatan tidak berpengaruh terhadap tindakan ibu.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, diharapkan peran serta aktif petugas kesehatan di Puskesmas Pasar Merah dalam meningkatkan penyuluhan atau memberikan informasi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat terutama pada ibu yang berpendidikan rendah.

Kata kunci : Tindakan Ibu, Pengobatan, Pemulihan, Pneumonia

The pneumonia disease in Indonesia is still one of the main health problems among the people. In Medan, pneumonia is the third of ten most recently diseases in the entire health centers in North Sumatra Province; with the total cases of 7.885 (seven thousand-eight hundred-eighty-five cases). The Pasar Merah health center is one of the health centers in Medan which has the highest incidents rate on pneumonia in its jurisdiction area with the level of 16.87% (sixteen-point-eighty seven percents). In the year of 2008, the number of pneumonia patients in the Pasar Merah health center were 377 babies (13.14%).
The design of this research was the explanatory research and was aimed to explain the influence of predisposing factors (education, employment, family income), enabling factors (the health services provided, the health center access) and reinforcing factors (the record of pneumonia socialization from the health representatives) to the mothers’ medical actions in seeking disease curing and rehabilitative the pneumonia disease to the under-five-year-old babies in the jurisdiction area of the Pasar Merah health center. The population of the research were the entire mothers who had under-five-year old babies that suffered from the pneumonia in the area during the year of 2008; with the total population were 377 mothers and the sampling of the research were 79 respondents with simple random sampling technique. The research instrument was using the questionnaire, and was analyzed by multiple linear regression test.
The result of research showed that the variabel of education had significant influence on the mothers’ medical actions in seeking disease curing and rehabilitative the pneumonia disease to the under-five-year-old babies; while employment, family income, the medical services provided, the health center access, and the absence of the record of pneumonia socialization from the medical representatives factors had no significant influence on the mothers’ medical actions.
Based on the result of the study, it is hoped that the health representatives work in Pasar Merah health center more actively in giving socialization activities to enrich the local people’s knowledge and horizon on health matters, especially to the low-educated mothers.

Keywords: Mothers’action, curative, rehabilitative, pneumonia

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