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Nurses Hope to Improve Health Care

The Canadian Federation of Nurses' Unions have released a new report which they hope will have a positive impact on Healthcare. The report, titled "Experts and Evidence: Opportunities in Nursing," outlines research on nursing practice and workplaces. Through this report, the Canadian Federation of Nurses' Unions has devised six initiatives that would improve health outcomes, increase access to health care, and make the system more sustainable. They include items such as creating an advisory committee between health, education, and labour ministers; supporting the development of nurse-led initiatives; and improving work environments.

Debbie Forward, the president of the Newfoundland and Labrador Nurses' Union, says they have met with some of the health ministers, who are in town for their two-day conference. She says the ministers were impressed with the evidence from the report and the broad initiatives they were bringing to the table. Forward says she had a positive meeting with Health Minister Jerome Kennedy, and that he's willing to start a dialogue on how to improve health care and nursing in this province.


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